Complete trustworthy data sharing and AI lifecycle management.
Transparent and auditable data sharing contracts, information flows, and data asset distribution including monetisation.
Embed structured, streamlined, and simple practices to data sharing across your organisation. Formalise, execute, and track living contracts.
Realise new opportunities with your business partners, university faculties, clinical sites, vendors, and government agencies.
Move beyond the security-only approach to privacy. Create compliant, purpose-driven information flows.
Organisations are gummed up across multiple projects, negotiating between parties with no common framework. Current spend on establishing these data sharing arrangements requires costly consulting engagements, locks up expensive senior internal resources, and typically produces static inflexible contracts.
Flusso’s platform costs a fraction of the price, providing simple, structured, and streamlined tools to establish repeatable, scalable, dynamic, live, auditable and transparent data sharing arrangements.
Importantly, our platform does not displace any existing enterprise systems, instead it augments and extends existing investment.
Reduce exposure to data privacy risks
Immediate Cost Decrease
Embed responsible AI usage practices
Connect your contracts to your data
Better outcomes for clinical research
Accelerate Revenue
Your complete trustworthy data sharing platform